Senin, 15 November 2010

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on websites, where advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system.
Cost per click (CPC) is the sum paid by an advertiser to search engines and other Internet publishers for a single click on their advertisement which directs one visitor to the advertiser's website.
In contrast to the generalized portal, which seeks to drive a high volume of traffic to one site, PPC implements the so-called affiliate model, that provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing. It does this by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-performance model: If an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. Variations include banner exchange, pay-per-click, and revenue sharing programs.
Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser's keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to or above organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.[1]
Among PPC providers, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter are the three largest network operators, and all three operate under a bid-based model. Cost per click (CPC) varies depending on the search engine and the level of competition for a particular keyword.[1]
The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and others have implemented automated systems[2] to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web developers.[3]



Determining cost per click

There are two primary models for determining cost per click: flat-rate and bid-based. In both cases the advertiser must consider the potential value of a click from a given source. This value is based on the type of individual the advertiser is expecting to receive as a visitor to his or her website, and what the advertiser can gain from that visit, usually revenue, both in the short term as well as in the long term. As with other forms of advertising targeting is key, and factors that often play into PPC campaigns include the target's interest (often defined by a search term they have entered into a search engine, or the content of a page that they are browsing), intent (e.g., to purchase or not), location (for geo targeting), and the day and time that they are browsing.

 Flat-rate PPC

In the flat-rate model, the advertiser and publisher agree upon a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. In many cases the publisher has a rate card that lists the CPC within different areas of their website or network. These various amounts are often related to the content on pages, with content that generally attracts more valuable visitors having a higher CPC than content that attracts less valuable visitors. However, in many cases advertisers can negotiate lower rates, especially when committing to a long-term or high-value contract.
The flat-rate model is particularly common to comparison shopping engines, which typically publish rate cards.[4] However, these rates are sometimes minimal, and advertisers can pay more for greater visibility. These sites are usually neatly compartmentalized into product or service categories, allowing a high degree of targeting by advertisers. In many cases, the entire core content of these sites is pai
Bid-based PPC
In the bid-based model, the advertiser signs a contract that allows them to compete against other advertisers in a private auction hosted by a publisher or, more commonly, an advertising network. Each advertiser informs the host of the maximum amount that he or she is willing to pay for a given ad spot (often based on a keyword), usually using online tools to do so. The auction plays out in an automated fashion every time a visitor triggers the ad spot.
When the ad spot is part of a search engine results page (SERP), the automated auction takes place whenever a search for the keyword that is being bid upon occurs. All bids for the keyword that target the searcher's geo-location, the day and time of the search, etc. are then compared and the winner determined. In situations where there are multiple ad spots, a common occurrence on SERPs, there can be multiple winners whose positions on the page are influenced by the amount each has bid. The ad with the highest bid generally shows up first, though additional factors such as ad quality and relevance can sometimes come into play (see Quality Score).
In addition to ad spots on SERPs, the major advertising networks allow for contextual ads to be placed on the properties of 3rd-parties with whom they have partnered. These publishers sign up to host ads on behalf of the network. In return, they receive a portion of the ad revenue that the network generates, which can be anywhere from 50% to over 80% of the gross revenue paid by advertisers. These properties are often referred to as a content network and the ads on them as contextual ads because the ad spots are associated with keywords based on the context of the page on which they are found. In general, ads on content networks have a much lower click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CR) than ads found on SERPs and consequently are less highly valued. Content network properties can include websites, newsletters, and e-mails.[5]
Advertisers pay for each click they receive, with the actual amount paid based on the amount bid. It is common practice amongst auction hosts to charge a winning bidder just slightly more (e.g. one penny) than the next highest bidder or the actual amount bid, whichever is lower.[6] This avoids situations where bidders are constantly adjusting their bids by very small amounts to see if they can still win the auction while paying just a little bit less per click.
To maximize success and achieve scale, automated bid management systems can be deployed. These systems can be used directly by the advertiser, though they are more commonly used by advertising agencies that offer PPC bid management as a service. These tools generally allow for bid management at scale, with thousands or even millions of PPC bids controlled by a highly automated system. The system generally sets each bid based on the goal that has been set for it, such as maximize profit, maximize traffic at breakeven, and so forth. The system is usually tied into the advertiser's website and fed the results of each click, which then allows it to set bids. The effectiveness of these systems is directly related to the quality and quantity of the performance data that they have to work with - low-traffic ads can lead to a scarcity of data problem that renders many bid management tools useless at worst, or inefficient at best.


In February 1998 Jeffrey Brewer of, a 25-employee startup company (later Overture, now part of Yahoo!), presented a pay per click search engine proof-of-concept to the TED conference in California.[7] This presentation and the events that followed created the PPC advertising system. Credit for the concept of the PPC model is generally given to Idealab and founder, Bill Gross.
Google started search engine advertising in December 1999. It was not until October 2000 that the AdWords system was introduced, allowing advertisers to create text ads for placement on the Google search engine. However, PPC was only introduced in 2002; until then, advertisements were charged at cost-per-thousand impressions
Although started PPC in 1998, Yahoo! did not start syndicating (later Overture) advertisers until November 2001.[8] Prior to this, Yahoo's primary source of SERPS advertising included contextual IAB advertising units (mainly 468x60 display ads). When the syndication contract with Yahoo! was up for renewal in July 2003, Yahoo! announced intent to acquire Overture for $1.63 billion.[9]

Minggu, 14 November 2010

_Candi Borobudur_

Borobudur, Candi Budha Terbesar di Abad ke-9

Siapa tak kenal Candi Borobudur? Candi Budha ini memiliki 1460 relief dan 504 stupa Budha di kompleksnya. Jutaan orang mendamba untuk mengunjungi bangunan yang termasuk dalam World Wonder Heritages ini. Tak mengherankan, sebab secara arsitektural maupun fungsinya sebagai tempat ibadah, Borobudur memang memikat hati.
Borobudur dibangun oleh Raja Samaratungga, salah satu raja kerajaan Mataram Kuno, keturunan Wangsa Syailendra. Berdasarkan prasasti Kayumwungan, seorang Indonesia bernama Hudaya Kandahjaya mengungkapkan bahwa Borobudur adalah sebuah tempat ibadah yang selesai dibangun 26 Mei 824, hampir seratus tahun sejak masa awal dibangun. Nama Borobudur sendiri menurut beberapa orang berarti sebuah gunung yang berteras-teras (budhara), sementara beberapa yang lain mengatakan Borobudur berarti biara yang terletak di tempat tinggi.
Bangunan Borobudur berbentuk punden berundak terdiri dari 10 tingkat. Tingginya 42 meter sebelum direnovasi dan 34,5 meter setelah direnovasi karena tingkat paling bawah digunakan sebagai penahan. Enam tingkat paling bawah berbentuk bujur sangkar dan tiga tingkat di atasnya berbentuk lingkaran dan satu tingkat tertinggi yang berupa stupa Budha yang menghadap ke arah barat. Setiap tingkatan melambangkan tahapan kehidupan manusia. Sesuai mahzab Budha Mahayana, setiap orang yang ingin mencapai tingkat sebagai Budha mesti melalui setiap tingkatan kehidupan tersebut.
Bagian dasar Borobudur, disebut Kamadhatu, melambangkan manusia yang masih terikat nafsu. Empat tingkat di atasnya disebut Rupadhatu melambangkan manusia yang telah dapat membebaskan diri dari nafsu namun masih terikat rupa dan bentuk. Pada tingkat tersebut, patung Budha diletakkan terbuka. Sementara, tiga tingkat di atasnya dimana Budha diletakkan di dalam stupa yang berlubang-lubang disebut Arupadhatu, melambangkan manusia yang telah terbebas dari nafsu, rupa, dan bentuk. Bagian paling atas yang disebut Arupa melambangkan nirwana, tempat Budha bersemayam.
Setiap tingkatan memiliki relief-relief indah yang menunjukkan betapa mahir pembuatnya. Relief itu akan terbaca secara runtut bila anda berjalan searah jarum jam (arah kiri dari pintu masuk candi). Pada reliefnya Borobudur bercerita tentang suatu kisah yang sangat melegenda, yaitu Ramayana. Selain itu, terdapat pula relief yang menggambarkan kondisi masyarakat saat itu. Misalnya, relief tentang aktivitas petani yang mencerminkan tentang kemajuan sistem pertanian saat itu dan relief kapal layar merupakan representasi dari kemajuan pelayaran yang waktu itu berpusat di Bergotta (Semarang).
Keseluruhan relief yang ada di candi Borobudur mencerminkan ajaran sang Budha. Karenanya, candi ini dapat dijadikan media edukasi bagi orang-orang yang ingin mempelajari ajaran Budha. YogYES mengajak anda untuk mengelilingi setiap lorong-lorong sempit di Borobudur agar dapat mengerti filosofi agama Budha. Atisha, seorang budhis asal India pada abad ke 10, pernah berkunjung ke candi yang dibangun 3abad sebelum Angkor Wat di Kamboja dan 4 abad sebelum Katedral Agung di Eropa ini. Berkat mengunjungi Borobudur dan berbekal naskah ajaran Budha dari Serlingpa (salah satu raja Kerajaan Sriwijaya), Atisha mampu mengembangkan ajaran Budha. Ia menjadi kepala biara Vikramasila dan mengajari orang Tibet tentang cara mempraktekkan Dharma. Enam naskah dari Serlingpa pun diringkas menjadi sebuah inti ajaran disebut "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Bodhipathapradipa.
Salah satu pertanyaan yang kini belum terjawab tentang Borobudur adalah bagaimana kondisi sekitar candi ketika dibangun dan mengapa candi itu ditemukan dalam keadaan terkubur. Beberapa mengatakan Borobudur awalnya berdiri dikitari rawa kemudian terpendam karena letusan Merapi. Dasarnya adalah prasasti Kalkutta bertuliskan 'Amawa' berarti lautan susu. Kata itu yang kemudian diartikan sebagai lahar Merapi. Beberapa yang lain mengatakan Borobudur tertimbun lahar dingin Merapi.
Dengan segala kehebatan dan misteri yang ada, wajar bila banyak orang dari segala penjru dunia memasukkan Borobudur sebagai tempat yang harus dikunjungi dalam hidupnya. Selain menikmati candinya, anda juga bisa berkeliling ke desa-desa sekitar Borobudur, seperti Karanganyar dan Wanurejo untuk melihat aktivitas warga membuat kerajinan. Anda juga bisa pergi ke puncak watu Kendil untuk dapat memandang panorama Borobudur dari atas. Tunggu apa lagi? Tak perlu khawatir gempa 27 Mei 2006, karena Borobudur tidak terkena dampaknya sama sekali.



Pulau Bali yang merupakan sebahagian Kepulauan Sunda Kecil mempunyai keluasan sepanjang 153 kilometer dengan lebar 112 kilometer. Terletak pada garisan lintang selatan 8°, kedudukan ini menyebabkan Bali beriklim tropika sebagaimana dengan kawasan-kawasan Indonesia yang lain.
Gunung Agung setinggi 3,148 meter ialah titik yang tertinggi di Bali. Gunung berapi ini meletup terakhir kali pada Mac 1963. Gunung Batur merupakan lagi sebuah gunung di pulau ini. Sekitar 30,000 tahun dahulu, Gunung Batur meletus dan mengakibatkan bencana yang dahsyat. Berbeza dengan bahagian utara, bahagian selatan Bali ialah dataran rendah yang dialiri sungai-sungai.
Ibu kota Bali ialah kota Denpasar, manakala kota Ubud merupakan pusat kesenian. Destinasi pelancongan yang utama di Bali termasuk Kuta, Sanur, Seminyak, Jimbaran dan Nusa Dua.

[sunting] Sejarah

Penghuni-penghuni pertama di pulau Bali dipercayai merupakan penghijrah-penghijrah dari Asia yang datang pada 2500 SM. Zaman prasejarah kemudian berakhir dengan kedatangan orang-orang Hindu dari India pada 100 SM.
Pada zaman kerajaan Majapahit, hampir seluruh nusantara beragama Hindu. Namun seiring dengan datangnya Islam, berdirilah kerajaan Islam di nusantara yang menyebabkan keruntuhan Majapahit sekitar tahun 1500. Kebanyakan orang Hindu datang dari Pulau Jawa.
Penjelajah Eropah pertama yang menemui Bali ialah Cornelis de Houtman dari Belanda pada 1597. Melalui Syarikat Hindia Timur Belanda (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie), Belanda kemudian menjajah Bali, dan mencetuskan perang yang melibatkan seluruh rakyat, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan, termasuk rajanya.
Sejak penubuhan Republik Indonesia, Bali telah menjadi sebahagian negara tersebut.

[sunting] Agama

Bilangan penduduk Bali ialah lebih kurang empat juta, dengan sebanyak 93% merupakan penganut Hindu. Agama lainnya termasuk Islam, Kristian dan Buddhisme.

[sunting] Pemerintahan

[sunting] Daftar Daerah Tingkat II di Bali

  1. Badung
  2. Bangli
  3. Buleleng
  4. Denpasar, ibu kota
  5. Gianyar
  6. Jembrana
  7. Karangasem
  8. Klungkung
  9. Tabanan

[sunting] Gabenor

No. Tempoh Nama Gabenor
1 1950 - 1958 Anak Agung Bagus Sutedja
2 1958 - 1959 I Gusti Bagus Oka
3 1959 - 1965 Anak Agung Bagus Sutedja
4 1965 - 1967 St. I Gusti Putu Martha
5 1967 - 1978 Soekarmen
6 1978 - 1988 Ida Bagus Mantra
7 1988 - 1993 Ida Bagus Oka
8 1993 - 1998 Ida Bagus Oka
9 1998 - 2003 Dewa Made Beratha
10 2003 - 2008 Dewa Made Beratha